Friday 4 October 2013

Finding balance at the equinox

We had a gorgeous sunny day for our Spring Equinox gathering and it was great that we were joined by friends from the Valley and from town. The ritual was about acknowledging and balancing the masculine and feminine within each of us. This whole year 2013 has been a journey to balance the masculine and feminine in me. I feel like I have come a long way with this work, partly from my own inner exploration, and also with some valuable help and insights from Arion Light.

The women and girls gathered in the women's space to connect with and honour the sacred feminine while the men met on the other side of the field to connect with the masculine.

"Let go" mother earth told me during the meditation.  Most of  my life I have felt unsafe to fully surrender, and have stood firmly in my masculine so as not to appear too weak or vulnerable.  Now I can find strength in my vulnerability. I am held by the sacred feminine and protected and loved by the noble masculine.
We met the men in the back paddock.  We did a tantric kundalini chanting meditiation and acknowledged what we loved about the other.  And ended with a song.
And a delicious shared picnic back up at the house.

Thanks to everyone for making it a special day.