Monday, 3 February 2014

Happy hay baling day with no baling out

Last Saturday 18 Jan we finished off loading all the remaining hay bales from our back paddock with help from our wonderful wwoofers Sarah and John, and some dedicated Peace Farm members and friends, Carmen, Andrew, Maya, Kari and Steve.  We had been waiting since early December for the weather to clear for long enough to cut the grass, let it dry and then to be baled up.  This finally happened in the second week of Jan.
Matts team
Until Saturday John and Sarah were working tirelessly on their own to load and stack the 300 odd bales.  Thank goodness for reinforcements.  Two competing teams went down to the back paddock in Matt's and Murray's cars and tried to out-do how may bales could be stacked on.

Matts team were pretty happy with this load.

Maya kept swapping teams, here she is helping Muz's team

 Maya showed her excellent strength and endurance,  helping out both teams with their loads. Murray's team was slower than Matt's team but loaded an unbelievable 34 bales on his little car and trailer (this figure is according to Murray but may be in dispute by other team).  Matt's team was having too much fun and forgot to count, but perhaps only got around 32.

Kari ready to unload the bales

The shed is now completely full of bales
 After satisfactorily finishing the job in a matter of hours it was time for a swim in the dam to cool off and a delicious shared picnic lunch.

Thanks to everyone for helping us, and now help us by coming and buying the bales - $7 each.

Cheers,  Cat

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