Monday, 23 December 2013

Peace Farm Summer Solstice Event

We had a glorious Summer Solstice celebration!

We gathered on the 21st of December to mark the longest day of the year. We had a beautiful sunny day. We had a visit from 'The Sun King'  (aka Simon Oats) and the beautiful goddesses Karina & Phoenix led us through a sun ritual where we created a gorgeous manadala from fruits and seeds and flowers representing the abundance of summer harvest.

A seasonal mandala expressing the abundance of Summer

We were then taken on a meditation walk where we planted a ring of sun flower seeds to bring in our summer dreaming!

Circling for the Sunflower Seed Planting ceremony

Following the ceremony we had a beautiful feast, largely comprised of fresh vege's from our mandala gardens and then performances including the Peace Farm mama's sun dance, Gaia Gita and  Murray Goodchild. We ended the day with hot tubbing under the stars, a cosy camp fire jam with the lovely and talented Malini (of Babaganoush) and Pinrada. Heaven on Earth!!

Enjoying the delicious food

Sunday, 8 December 2013

Harvest day

Each first saturday of the month at PEACE farm we gather and share skills to grow food together.

This month we built a pond for our mandala garden.  Only a few days ago it was only a pile of dirt... Thanks to the joyful hands of the children who helped to co-create!!!

Mulching was also a big part of the day to protect our little seedlings. 
We used hay, freshly cut around the mandala garden.

We trained tomatoes

Children were also well looked after, going for a ride to the dam!

And now, let's go for a walk around to see what's growing...
We can find lots and lots of potatoes



and we can find a variety of flowers. Here is some poppy! 

We concluded the day by a first harvest for our members: 
leaks, spring onions, beetroot, lettuce, garlic, coriander. 
Thank you all for your contribution!